T. +33 1 89 16 05 00 / F. 01
E. jcoat@coatsigy.com
A member of the bar in Paris and New York, Julian Christen Coat focuses his practice on white-collar crime, business litigation, regulatory enforcement matters and compliance.
He advises French and international clientele, and regularly appears before criminal, civil and commercial courts as well as regulators (notably ACPR, AMF and AFA) to defend companies, their leaders, shareholders and employees.
He also assists clients in internal investigations and on-site checks and in complex foreign jurisdiction cases, notably in corruption, AML/CFT or international financial sanctions matters.
Prior to founding Coat Haut de Sigy de Roux with Claire de Haut de Sigy in 2017, Julian racked up almost ten years of experience at White & Case and Beaussier & Associés.