

Coat Haut de Sigy de Roux analyses and mitigates risk for its clients by offering internal training or assistance in implementing good governance rules, internal procedures and delegation of authorities.

Our lawyers advise clients how to interpret their legal and regulatory obligations (Decree of November 3, 2014), as well as guidelines and publications issued by regulators such as the ACPR, AMF and ECB (European Central Bank).

They participate in implementing internal procedures, notably to combat corruption and influence peddling (Sapin II Law), to combat money laundering and terrorism financing (AML/CFT), and compliance with international sanctions (embargoes and frozen assets).

The firm helps implement compliance arrangements following investigations by French or foreign regulators.

Linked References


Advice to an organization subject to AML/CFT obligations with regards to remote identification of clients.


Advice to banks and financial institutions on regulations applicable to international sanctions.


Advice to a French bank on risk linked to services outsourced with regard to compliance with restrictive measures.


Assistance to an organization brought before the ACPR concerning AML/CFT.


Advice to a bank updating its internal AML/CFT procedures.


Drafting of professional ethics sections in internal policies (gifts, donations and tenders) for a company established in multiple African countries.


Consultation on the interpretation of an ACPR memo of December 12, 2013 on the implementation of national options within the jurisdiction of the ACPR and that are governed by EU Regulation No. 575/2013 of June 26, 2013 (CRR).


Advice to a bank in defining its internal procedures with regard to economic and financial sanctions imposed against certain countries.


Advice to a bank concerning regulatory issues in AML/CFT linked to a donation abroad.


Advice to a bank group for the implementation and coordination of intra-group procedures with regard to compliance and exchange of information.


Advice to an insurer in implementing provisions relating to frozen assets in non-life insurance policies.